The spirit and symbolism of the Phoenix

phoenix symbolism in fashion

For time immemorial, human civilizations have often relied on the power of iconography. We have interpreted totems, symbols, and icons, created stories around them to derive deeper meanings of life. Those were the early ancestors of what we call visual learning today.

One of the most significant icons of all times, one that humans have been always fascinated by, is the phoenix. We often hear the phrase “like a phoenix rising from the ashes”. We regard it for its prominent features; brilliant and bright colors of scarlet and golden feathers, almost the size of an eagle, which stands out among all other birds.

The phenomenon of the phoenix usually refers to someone or something being reinvented or reborn and has stories across cultures, communities, and religions.  

The myth of the mighty bird

The avian character is an influential part of Greek, Roman, and Egyptian mythology.

In ancient Egypt and classical antiquity, the phoenix is usually associated with the worship of the sun.

The legend goes that the phoenix had a prominent visual appearance, grew as big as an eagle, and lived for centuries. Then, as it approached its death, it made a nest of boughs and spices, set in on fire, and got consumed in the flames.

From its pyre rose a whole new phoenix, which embalmed its predecessor’s ashes an egg of myrrh, and flew with the ashes into the City of the Sun (Heliopolis), where it deposited the ashes on the altar of the sun god, Ra.

Other variants of this legend say that when dying, the phoenix flew into the sun and burned but immediately rose from the ashes.

The personification of the phoenix

Now, when we look beyond the story and look into the inner meanings, we discover more than a bird being reborn from its own ashes.

The mighty mythical bird has carried in its name, the symbolism for rebirth, resurrection, and endurance.

Spiritually and philosophically, the phoenix symbolizes emotional empowerment, where the bird is a representative of the consciousness and is constantly resurrecting itself from its lowest point, i.e. death.

But why is this story or even the phoenix important?

Like we said before, as a society, we have always relied on signs – from our environment and from myths and legends, to inspire and encourage us. That’s why we use motifs.

The phoenix as a motif has a deep psychological impact. When weaved on fabric, the essence of the phoenix’s life almost becomes permanent. It instills strength and hope that can make you can rise above anything, just like the phoenix. No matter how difficult things can be, the phoenix will always guide you to reinvent or rediscover yourself, so you can fly high again and continue your journey.

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