Why love “Previously Loved”?

pre loved fashion

How many times have you said “Oh I love this dress!” or “This jacket is my favorite”. But you reckon how long does this “love” actually last?

The love that we have for our clothes is probably the most complex of our lives. You shop for it, wear it maybe a couple of times, and then it finds itself, stacked in a corner of your closet, waiting to be replaced by a new love you find in another beautiful piece of clothing. You sure appreciate the old beauty once in a while, sometimes even think that someday you might wear it again. But that someday never comes.

With constantly changing trends and styles to dazzle you, who would go back to that long-lost love fading away in your wardrobe, right?

If clothes could speak, they would say this is unfair to them.

But you know, what’s more unfair? This love of ours for newer clothes every season, because this impacts the environment and the planet we are living in.

Why we need previously-loved clothes

There have been ample studies to show the dangerous effects of fashion products on the planet.

From the volumes of water used to manufacture t-shirts and jeans to loads of landfills created by discarded clothing. Every single year, the numbers keep increasing and they are appalling!

In the last 15 years, only 1% of discarded ones are used to make new clothes, while only 40% of the total manufactured/bought clothes have been used.

So, every time you are out of love for your old clothes and find yourself starry-eyed about newer ones, you are adding to the danger on Mother Nature. We got to change that and change that as soon as we can.

The fashion of this generation must be sustainable! Several new-gen fashion brands have started to recycle textile and fabric scraps to manufacture new clothes, and some even exploring completely organic materials so they are easily biodegradable, while some are even refurbishing a variety of materials.

Many brands also buy out old clothes from people and use them to make new collections. This circular economy of fashion is perhaps the best thing that ever happened in this industry since “fashion” itself. And this is probably the only way we can start saving the natural environment, one small change at a time. But we believe that’s not enough. So, we decided to take this one step further.

Previously-loved – making clothes truly sustainable

As our bit to make luxury fashion sustainable, in its truest sense, we recycle our own “previously loved” collection. The word “sustainability” is overused, abused, and misinterpreted by many.

Simply sourcing fabrics that are naturally grown or easily degradable, or ethically procuring raw materials, using natural dyes, etc. do not define being “sustainable”. Real sustainability is about making things last longer, ethically as well as aesthetically.

But most importantly, upcycling previously loved clothes also builds a community of conscious and aware people who all get to do their bit for nature and turn this into a significant movement.

When you share your love with someone, it only grows, and this collective love extends to the planet that is our home.

So, while you should love to dress for yourself, also dress for the planet, so you can change the world and make this blue-green home bluer and greener. Because we don’t have a backup planet to move to!

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